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To Truly Transform, We Must Include Body Transformation.  

We are a BodyMind, and when a shift in consciousness gets all the way into the cellular function, it becomes a more complete and stable reality.  Conversely, when our body is stuck in rigid biological patterns, fortified by old materials that hold the frequencies of the old sense of self, it is hard to actualize the glimpses of Reality we are given in our truest moments of connection.


For these reasons, every lasting tradition of transformation includes cleansing the physical body.


My 45 years of Chiropractic, Naturopathic and Ayurvedic Medicine backgrounds were only the starting places of a lifetime investigation, discovery and implementation of very gentle, yet deeply effective, and lasting cleansing and rebuilding programs, with evolution of human consciousness as the foundation.  


Cleansing does not have to be deprivation or starvation. Also, it is not just about releasing toxins from the body and shedding   fat. Proper cleansing is a great way to fuel your body with super foods and clean nutrition so it can learn how to function under optimal conditions, and ultimately align with yourself and re-establish that healthy connection with yourself so you can become in tune enough to make better choices-for life. Proper cleansing is a great way to shift your metabolism away from relying on sugars and even proteins for energy to burning fats.  This is even true in slender folks who often look trim while the organ fat content is too high and the tendency toward blood sugar issues may still be present.  It is especially true in obesity.


Our bodies are constantly changing. We are under constant exposure to toxins, in our food, in our environment and in our homes. All these things increase the toxic load our bodies have to deal with. Cleanses create unique opportunities for our bodies to let go of toxins and super charge our metabolism, renew cells and have us feeling alive and full of energy. And one of the best side effects is, that we shed weight.


One of the challenges of cleansing has been the tendency of the body to gain more weight, more easily, following cleanses; along with a feeling of depletion. This is due to the cleanse causing the body to shift to using muscle for fuel when starved of calories.  After the cleanse, there is less muscle to burn fat causing the cravings for carbohydrates to increase and the body to store fuel as fat instead of burn it.  The loss of muscle causes more weakness and may even extend to loss of organ muscle.  The cleanses  below are quite the opposite. 

The Primary Organ of Transformation is the Liver  

The liver takes all the raw materials that are ABSORBED and first detoxes the constituents that are biologically harmful or inert; then reorganizes them into proteins, hormones, enzymes, and useable nutrients to be shipped off to specific glands and organs for refinement and utilization.   In addition, the liver filters the blood to remove waste, including dead cells, (like used up red blood cells and dead organelles of all the cells of the body), for elimination or recycling

The Liver is Directly or Indirectly Involved in Every Disease Process 


Wether it be hormone imbalances, immune dysfunction, (involved in all chronic disease), arthritis of all kinds; kidney stone, diabetes , cancer, or emotional imbalance...The liver is involved .  Conversely, as the liver is restored to normal function, the body begins to heal or at least allow all the things one may be doing to help finally work.  The Chinese say that when the liver is happy we experience life like a Free and Easy Wanderer.  


Yet, humans are exposed to far more toxins and stress than ever in our history .  This can be greatly helped with intelligent Liver Cleansing.  The problem is that most cleanses do not first shift the liver into moving toxins from the blood into the liver cell and through it, into a clear bile pathway and out the bile duct and out a gut pathway that can absorb the toxins rather than reabsorb and concentrate them in the Liver.  Instead, they cause the liver to send the toxins back into the blood stream causing exacerbated symptoms of all kinds along with brain fog and fatigue.  Thus making cleansing something you can't fit into your lifestyle and often making you feel worse afterwards.  


I recognize that the information below is far more in-depth than you may have bargained for.  The time you take educating yourself here, the more effective your cleanse will be.  The mind is so powerful and this knowledge is power.


Please watch the first 22 minutes of this video from one of my mentors, Dr Chris Shade , researcher and world renowned in natural detox.  While there may be terms that are unfamiliar, you will still get the information you need to have a deeper understanding of the Liver and how to properly cleanse it.


Understanding Liver Pathways of Detox & Why Past Cleanses May Have Fallen Short or Felt Bad


After viewing the video above, you may more deeply appreciate the essential need to properly move toxins in the right direction, while catching them in the gut to be neutralized.  Please watch this video.  It is so worth your time

 3  Cleanses to Transform your Body

Liver 1- 10Day Program for Already Healthy Folks.  Click HERE


Liver 2- Chronic Challenges with Health. Click HERE


Liver 3 -Get off Meds/Clear Drug Residue/Anxiety/Depression. Click HERE

Liver 1

10 Day Program For Already Healthy Folks


Background, Ordering and Protocol




This is a gentle and effective detox.  Its effects are profound in keeping you at your best for healthy energetic living aging. and prevention. 

Liv 1 can be an entry level detox as well.  It is for those who have healed longer standing health challenges. 

The quantities are for a 10 day program.


With the recommended Quicksilver Liposomal products, the absorption is as much as 50-70 times increased over capsules, while being very easy on the liver.  I also highly recommend getting off supplements during this program.  All supplements still have to be absorbed and metabolized by the liver.  If they are not a whole food then the liver works harder to get them useable.  If they are herbs then fine, but use plenty of hot water while ingesting them.  

I highly recommend you watch the videos shown earlier on this page about this program. Please note that while they are for doctors, watching them without understanding the jargon, still has an effect on you that supports the process.



To order the Products in this protocol you will need to go to 2 different places:


The first place is for the Quicksilver products and Dr. Ohira's probiotics, etc..

Go to:

There you will receive an ongoing 30% discount on all orders, including other supplements your family may use. The following is for a little over a month-long program:


-1 boxes Push Catch ID # Q05785

-2 bottles Milk Thistle Nano emulsified ID # Q 8880

-1 btl Micellized PC Liposomal ID # QSSPYC01 Please note that the Phosphatidyl Choline, PC warning about needing overnight shipping can be Ignored.

-1  btls HistaAid ID Q88989. (order more if you have ongoing allergies, itchy skin, red eyes, brain fog, sneezing or diarrhea, or you easily have detox reactions)

-1 btls Glutathione liposomal ID# QSGSH01

-Dr. Ohira’s Professional probiotics  1 box 120 cap  ID# PRPR1

-Optional-If you have sleep issues, drug or medication history that effects brain chemistry ,   anxiety, depression, or numb emotionally please consider the Liv 4 Protocol instead of this   one, farther down this website page.

-Optional 2- if you have known gallstones then Liv 2 is more appropriate.


The Second Place to Order-PURIUM

In addition, I recommend the following products not in my online dispensary. To order, see below after each product info on Biome, Super Aminos and Power Shake


1.  Biome Medic 4pack.These detox some very tough substances in the gut while restoring            the Biome.    

      Please watch this video:.

      To order Biome Medic   

      You can get a $50 off your order by putting in the discount code   PassionateEase


2.  Super Aminos-23  4 pack. These provide a turning on of the genes to greatly improve your      body's utilization of the remainder of the proteins in your diet.  At the same time, they          rebuild organ tissue as well as skeletal muscle.  They bypass the liver and kidneys and go      directly into the blood and lymph within 23 minutes.  These have been researched in              elderly over 90 years old for complete absorption requiring no stomach acid.  

     High protein diets actually often convert to excess to sugar and then fat, while causing          liver to reverse its proper directionality from blood to liver cell.  To take these tablets a          couple of times a day and restrict animal protein, your liver will recover far more                    effectively while actually putting on muscle.  

     Please listen to 2 audios by Dr Lucca Moretti, the researcher who has over 50 peer                    reviewed published research articles on Super Amino 23; which is featured in Physicians        Desk Reference. 


Here are the audios on the Super Aminos:

    Part 1     Skeletal Muscle rebuilding

    Part 2    Organ tissue rebuilding


To Order Super Aminos: 

Best Deal and good for the long haul 6 Pack:

Remember, you can get a $50 off your order by putting in the discount code: PassionateEase


3.  Power Shake: (ordering info below)


       Your body can live without a lot of calories, but it cannot live without a lot of nutrition.          The concept behind this shake is that it uses nutrient-dense superfoods, slow-burning            carbohydrates and highly digestible protein and is all vegan, gluten free, and all organic

     More about the Power Shake that is not in the videos on the purium website 

The Best veggies are the dark green ones in terms of nutrition density, alkalinity, medicinal properties, and anti oxidant activity , as well as higher frequency that connects us more to spirit.  The best of these are wheat grass, barley grass, oat grass, and the queen...alfalfa leaf. This is because the alfalfa plant's roots go deep and extract more nutrients than most plants.  The Spirulina has so many vitamins and minerals, it is called the natural multivitamin.  

But these are VERY expensive to get enough.


The types of carbs in the shake have not disrupted my Keto dieting.  They are slow burning

and are rich in Beta Glucans.   (Currently there are over 140,000 published peer-reviewed studies on indicating Beta Glucan benefit in greatly increasing Macrophage activity for  digesting tumor cells and other immune boosting function.


Beta Glucan is perhaps the world’s most powerful immunomodulator, meaning that it helps activate and enhance all of the functions of the immune system. This helps your immune system become more “aware” and more effective at fighting off foreign invaders or mutations such as cancers, tumors, bacteria, virus, parasites and fungi.


Scientists believe beta glucan does this primarily by stimulating the production and release of Macrophages, which are large white blood cells that attack, engulf and destroy threatening invaders.


“Cancer and any other disease or medical condition is first and foremost a problem of your immune system. You cannot have have cancer if you have an intact Immune System”

- Dr. Rashid Buttar


Another ingredient in the Power Shake are Rice Bran Solubles.  It takes a huge bag of rice to extract a pound of these.  They are rich in Adinopectin- the fat digesting fat.


Summary of Power Shake benefits:

*Aids the body in detoxification and cleansing of the digestive tract 
*Burns fat and builds muscle 
*Helps the body break addictions to harmful foods 
*Assists the body in resetting its metabolism


To Order Power Shake:  Purchase Natural Flavor ONLY (the flavored ones-albeit natural-are too sweet)​. The natural is plenty sweet, and you can add non-insulin spiking sweetness to your taste, (like Coconut Sugar or Stevia, or Xylitol, or Erythritol), to it if needed).

Go to:



What to take and how often


-Hot Water!  This is at the top of the list because it is essential.  How hot?  Hot enough that you can feel the warmth in your chest and stomach; but cool enough that you don’t have to sip it.  Probably around 165 degrees (Green tea temperature).  Imagine trying to clean a greasy pot with just cool or warm water? You will be releasing thick substances; and this keeps it moving and breaking down.  My Ayurvedic Master, Dr. Rama Raju, 12thgeneration Vaija, (Ayurvedic Physician), and revered in India, was my mentor.  When I worked with him, he treated every know disease with the universal solvent; but hot!  Any other treatments were considered secondary and worked far better as a result. He told me, (and I applied this with great results), that when we are evolving quickly, old substances that served to keep the lower vibration in place are going to need to be eliminated.  Often, they get stuck or when they move out slowly, we reexperience more suffering than necessary.


I find it helpful to not just put the hot water in a cools too fast, gets forgotten,  then cools more, and is not portable. I suggest you get a large urn or thermos to keep hot and to carry with you so that you can get in a half gallon or more a day.

I have a thermos I fill each day with my quota that keeps it hot 24 hr. I refill my smaller thermos from it and take both with me when I hop in the car to run errands.  Below are the best in each class that I have found after many years of trial and error.  I still have them after years of use and they keep things hot for 24 hours:


Larger Thermos: Click HERE


Smaller Thermos:  Click HERE


-Take 5 Purium Super Aminos 2-3 times daily on empty stomach 30 minutes with hot                          water, before the Push Catch /Liver Sauce, on empty stomach and with no other                      foods or  supplements


-Take one Power shake 2-3 x daily.   If you take the Power Shake in Cold months then I                        suggest adding Pink Organic Himalayan Salt and a TBS, (or to taste) of Organic                        Fresh Olive oil (it is a warming oil, whereas coconut /MCT oils are cooling), and a                    quarter to a half thumb sized piece of fresh organic ginger root


-Quicksilver Push-Catch.  Follow the booklet enclosed with your order starting at 1 tspn           of Liver Sauce along with..  (hold in mouth a minute) Do this 2 x daily first 5 days, then go     to 3x daily

   -4 pumps of Milk Thistle, each time you do Liver Sauce, all on empty stomach 2 hours              after a meal or 1 hour before a meal. (hold in mouth a minute)

   -And 1 packet of Ultrabinder in cup of water 30 minutes after the Liver Sauce/ Milk                    Thistle combo 2x daily first 5 days, then 3x daily.

     The instructions in the booklet say to do 5 days on 2 days off.  Ignore this and go straight         through the 10 days


-Take 1 teaspoon of PhosCholine, (hold in mouth a minute),  along with 

-4 pumps of Glutathione 2 x daily on empty stomach.  

  (You can take the PhosCholine/Glutathione before the Push Catch routine and wait 10            minutes and then take before bed or 10 minutes before the second round of Liver / Milk        Thistle)


 -The HistaAid as need.  Anytime you get headaches, itchy skin, fogginess, runny                        nose,  sneezing, allergies, upset stomach, or red eyes take 8 pumps of HistaAid.  If you            already  have that before beginning the above Push Catch, then take 8 pumps 4 or more        times  daily until things settle down and then begin the Push Catch while continuing at 6      3 x daily.  Take this away from food and hold it in the mouth for a full minute


-Take 2 tablets of Biome Medic  2x daily along with...

-1 tab Dr. Ohira’s Probiotics in am and pm with food



How Often Should I Do This Cleanse, and What to do Between Cleanses?


If you found this protocol to be taxing, then take a week break, order the Liv2 protocol and follow that.

If you found this program to be smoothe then do this every 6 months….For the remainder of your life for ideal health.  Best times are Spring and Autumn. And you might consider adding a high density super green shake as one of your daily meals between cleanses. 

I find the Purium Power Shake to be the best meal replacement because they harvest the greens at peak ripeness, (something missed when veggies have to be shipped), where so much of the nutrition value is captured during the last 3 days of ripening. Then the harvest is juiced in a vacuum at less than 85 degrees Fahrenheit, (so no enzymes are lost and not oxidation occurs), right at harvest within moments.  


The result is that when it reconstitutes in water, you get better than juicing veggies at home, (unless you grow your own and juice immediately on harvest).  Plus, the Power Shake, when combined with the Super Aminos, (not at the same time), gives you complete nutrition while supporting fat burning, lean muscle mass building, as well as cleansing and rejuvenation.  This becomes the ideal meal replacement between and during the cleanses   My code to get on an auto ship for far better prices (also supports me financially)..PassionateEase


In between cleanses continue to do Micellized PC am and pm to keep the bile in good shape. Also, continue the Super Aminos and hot water and go very easy on protein, sugars and alcohol; and of course, UNsaturated fats, (except High Quality, fresh, Olive Oil kept refrigerated and never cooked with).  AVOID Canola oil, Soy Oil, and fried foods. 

If you take the Power Shake in Cold months then I suggest adding Pink Organic Himalayan Salt and a TBS, (or to taste) of Organic Fresh Olive oil and a half thumb sized piece of fresh organic ginger root


I did mean to say UN saturated fats are to be avoided the paragraph above.  Huge myth here that began in the 60’s propagated by the soybean industry.  Do yourself a great favor for your heart, brain, hormones, weight balance and immune system, while healing or preventing cancer and restoring proper mitochondrial/energy production in your Dr. Joseph Mercola’s book, “Fat for Fuel”: Click HERE

Summary Book: Click HERE  

Cookbook (do not get the digital version): Click HERE


Consider fasting a day each week where you don’t eat supper and nothing until the following day where you end with soup and eat only a small amount.

Then consider eating according to the following for great quality longevity:  Circadian Eating

Liv 1
Liv 2 Chronic

Liver 2

For Chronic Health Challenges


Background, Ordering and Protocol



This is the most profound and yet gentle detox I have used.  Its effects are effective for every form of healing protocol. 

Liv 2 can be an entry level detox as well.  It is for those who have a longer standing health challenge (the liver is always involved).


The quantities are for a month-long program and so you may need to increase if you wish to have a longer program and/ or are traveling.  It is good to take a week off each month before resuming a longer cleanse.


With the Quicksilver Liposomal products, the absorption is as much as 50-70 times increased over capsules, while being very easy on the liver.  I also highly recommend getting off supplements during this program.  All supplements still have to be absorbed and metabolized by the liver.  If they are not a whole food then the liver works harder to get them useable.  If they are herbs then fine, but use plenty of hot water while ingesting them.  


I highly recommend you watch the videos shown earlier on this page about this program. Please note that while they are for doctors, watching them without understanding the jargon, still has an effect on you that supports the process.



To order the Products in this protocol you will need to go to 2 different places:


The first place is for the Quicksilver products and Dr. Ohira's probiotics, etc..

Go to:

There you will receive an ongoing 30% discount on all orders, including other supplements your family may use. The following is for a little over a month-long program:


-3 boxes Push Catch ID # Q05785

-6 bottles Milk Thistle Nano emulsified ID # Q 8880

-4-8 btls Liposomal Cats Claw ID D05204 (order more if you have a known or suspect a pathogen like Limes, Epstein Barr, Chronic fatigue, Hepatitis Herpes, etc)

-1 btl Micellized PC Liposomal ID # QSSPYC01 Please note that the Phosphatidyl Choline, PC warning about needing overnight shipping can be Ignored.

-4-8  btls HistaAid ID Q88989. (order more if you have ongoing allergies, itchy skin, red eyes, brain fog, sneezing or diarrhea, or you easily have detox reactions)

-4 btls Glutathione liposomal ID# QSGSH01

-Dr. Ohira’s Professional probiotics  1 box 120 cap  ID# PRPR1

-Optional-If you have sleep issues, drug or medication history that effects brain chemistry ,   anxiety, depression, or numb emotionally please consider the Liv 4 Protocol instead of this   one, farther down this website page.

-Optional 2- if you have known gallstones then this Liv 2 will help greatly. However, if they     are packed in pretty tight, or you just want extra support here, then..

  Add Taurine J50206 Jarrow, 1 bottle..1000 mg . Take 1 tab 2x daily empty st with MSM

  Add MSM msm26 Integrative Therapeutics, .1000mg. Take 1 tab 2x day , empty st w/Taurine

  Take both for 3 months even when off the cleanse


The Second Place to Order-PURIUM

In addition, I recommend the following products not in my online dispensary. To order, see below after each product info on Biome and Super Aminos


1.  Biome Medic 4pack.These detox some very tough substances in the gut while restoring            the Biome.    

      Please watch this video:.

      To order:   

      You can get a $50 off your order by putting in the discount code of PassionateEase


2.  Super Aminos-23  4 pack. These provide a turning on of the genes to greatly improve your body's utilization of the remainder of the proteins in your diet.  At the same time, they rebuild organ tissue as well as skeletal muscle.  They bypass the liver and kidneys and go directly into the blood and lymph within 23 minutes.  These have been researched in elderly over 90 years old for complete absorption requiring no stomach acid.  High protein diets actually often convert excess to sugar while causing the liver to reverse its proper directionality from blood to liver cell.  To take these tablets a couple of times a day and restrict animal protein, your liver will recover far more effectively while actually putting on muscle.  


Please listen to 2 audios by Dr Lucca Moretti, the researcher who has over 50 peer reviewed published research articles on Super Amino 23; which is featured in Physicians Desk Reference. 


Here are the audios on the Super Aminos:

    Part 1     Skeletal Muscle rebuilding

    Part 2    Organ tissue rebuilding


To Order: 

Best Deal and good for the long haul 6 Pack:


Remember, you can get a $50 off your order by putting in the discount code: PassionateEase


What to take and how often


-Hot Water!  This is at the top of the list because it is essential.  How hot?  Hot enough that you can feel the warmth in your chest and stomach; but cool enough that you don’t have to sip it.  Probably around 165 degrees (Green tea temperature).  Imagine trying to clean a greasy pot with just cool or warm water? You will be releasing thick substances; and this keeps it moving and breaking down.  My Ayurvedic Master, Dr. Rama Raju, 12thgeneration Vaija, (Ayurvedic Physician), and revered in India, was my mentor.  When I worked with him, he treated every know disease with the universal solvent; but hot!  Any other treatments were considered secondary and worked far better as a result. He told me, (and I applied this with great results), that when we are evolving quickly, old substances that served to keep the lower vibration in place are going to need to be eliminated.  Often, they get stuck or when they move out slowly, we reexperience more suffering than necessary.


I find it helpful to not just put the hot water in a cools too fast, gets forgotten,  then cools more, and is not portable. I suggest you get a large urn or thermos to keep hot and to carry with you so that you can get in a half gallon or more a day.

I have a thermos I fill each day with my quota that keeps it hot 24 hr. I refill my smaller thermos from it and take both with me when I hop in the car to run errands.  Below are the best in each class that I have found after many years of trial and error.  I still have them after years of use and they keep things hot for 24 hours:


Larger Thermos: Click HERE


Smaller Thermos:  Click HERE


-Take 5 Purium Super Aminos 2 times daily on empty stomach 30 minutes with hot water, before the Push Catch /Liver Sauce, on empty stomach and with no other foods or supplements


-Quicksilver Push-Catch.  Follow the booklet enclosed with your order starting at ¼ tspn         of Liver Sauce along with..  (hold in mouth a minute)

   -1/4 pumps of Milk Thistle,all on empty stomach 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before a         meal. (hold in mouth a minute)

   -And ¼ packet of Ultrabinder in cup of water 30 minutes after the Liver Sauce/ Milk               Thistle combo

    Do this once a day for 2 days then increase the dose to ½ packet and ½ teaspoon while           Milk Thistle remains at 4 pumps.  

    Once you get to a full packet and a teaspoon then stay there for a few days to a week.  

    Then add a second full packet in the afternoon or evening.

    The instructions in the booklet say to do 5 days on 2 days off.  That would apply only after     you have reached a full packet ultra binder and teaspoon of Liver Sauce


-Take 1 teaspoon of PhosCholine, (hold in mouth a minute),   along with 

-4 pumps of Glutathione 2 x daily on empty stomach.  

-Take 4-8 pumps of Cat’s Claw along with Glutathione/ PC (Just wait a couple of minutes       before or after the PC/Glutathione combo.  If If you have Limes or Epstein Barr ,or other       known viral or bacterial influences, then 8 pumps Cat's Claw. 

  (You can take the PhosCholine/Glutathione/Cat’sClaw before the Push Catch routine and     wait 10 minutes and then take before bed or 10 minutes before the second round of Liver       / Milk Thistle)


-The HistaAid as need.  Anytime you get headaches, itchy skin, fogginess, runny nose,               sneezing, allergies, upset stomach, or red eyes take 8 pumps of HistaAid.  If you already         have that before beginning the above Push Catch, then take 8 pumps 4 or more times             daily until things settle down and then begin the Push Catch while continuing at 6 pumps     3 x daily.  Take this away from food and hold it in the mouth for a full minute


-Take 2 tablets of Biome Medic  2x daily along with...

-1 tab Dr. Ohira’s Probiotics in am and pm with food


How Long Should I Do This Cleanse and How Often?


Do the above protocol of 5 days on and 2 days off once you have worked up to full teaspoon of Liver Sauce and UltraBinder each.  Do this for 3 weeks. (so total of a month).

If symptoms remain then take a week off and begin another month at the level you finished at last month.  You may want to add a third round each day of the Push-Catch.


In any case, once you have no symptoms, do another 2 weeks and then rest for 3 months.    


For the following, Do the Liv 1 Protocol

In 3 months Repeat at 2 rounds a day for 3 weeks ..then rest for 4 months

In 4 months Repeat at 2 rounds a day for 3 weeks..then rest for 6 months

In 6 months Repeat at 2 rounds a day for 3 weeks then rest for 6 more months

In 6 months Repeat at 2 rounds per day for 2 weeks and continue ….


….For the remainder of your life for ideal health. go to Liv 1 Protocol.


Best times are Spring and Autumn. And you might consider adding a high density super green shake as your meals during the 2 weeks. I find Purium has the best because they harvest the greens at peak ripeness, (something missed when veggies have to be shipped), where so much of the nutrition value is captured during the last 3 days of ripening. Then the harvest is juiced in a vacuum at less than 85 degrees Fahrenheit, (so no enzymes are lost and not oxidation occurs), right at harvest within moments.  


The result is that when it reconstitutes in water, you get better than juicing veggies at home, (unless you grow your own and juice immediately on harvest).  Plus, the Power Shake, when combined with the Super Aminos, (not at the same time), gives you complete nutrition while supporting fat burning, lean muscle mass building, as well as cleansing and rejuvenation.  This becomes the ideal meal replacement during the cleanses once you are healthy.   My code to get on an auto ship for far better prices (also supports me financially)..PassionateEase


Between Cleanses

In between cleanses continue to do Micellized PC am and pm to keep the bile in good shape. Also, continue the Super Aminos and hot water and go very easy on protein, sugars and alcohol; and of course, unsaturated fats, (except High Quality, fresh, Olive Oil kept refrigerated and never cooked with).  AVOID Canola oil, Soy Oil, and fried foods.  If you take the Power Shake in Cold months then I suggest adding Pink Organic Himalayan Salt and a TBS, (or to taste) of Organic Fresh Olive oil and a quarter to a half thumb sized piece of fresh organic ginger root


I did mean to say UN saturated fats are to be avoided in the paragraph above.  Huge myth here that began in the 60’s propagated by the soybean industry.  Do yourself a great favor for your heart, brain, hormones, weight balance and immune system, while healing or preventing cancer and restoring proper mitochondrial/energy production in your Dr. Joseph Mercola’s book, “Fat for Fuel”: Click HERE

Summary Book: Click HERE  

Cookbook (do not get the digital version): Click HERE


Consider fasting a day each week where you don’t eat supper and nothing until the following day where you end with soup and eat only a small amount.


Then consider eating according to the following for great quality longevity:  Circadian Eating



Liv 3 Meds/Anxiety

Liver 3

Getting off Brain Altering Medications, Alcohol, &Drugs  as well as Clearing residues from past use.  Also for Anxiety and/or Depression


Background, Ordering, and Protocol



This is a profound, yet gentle detox.  Its effects are effective for every form of healing protocol. Liv 4 can be an entry level detox as well.  It is for those who have a long-standing usage of brain chemistry altering drugs and medications, strong addictions and cravings, or anxiety and/or depression


With the Quicksilver Liposomal products, the absorption is as much as 50-70 times increased over capsules, while being very easy on the liver.  I also highly recommend getting off supplements during this program.  All supplements still have to be absorbed and metabolized by the liver.  If they are not a whole food then the liver works harder to get them useable.  If they are herbs then fine, but use plenty of hot water while ingesting them.  


I highly recommend you watch the videos shown earlier on this page about this program. Please note that while they are for doctors, watching them without understanding the jargon, still has an effect on you that supports the process.


When clearing drugs/brain &emotional chemical patterns, there needs more than ingesting great substances that help cleanse, heal and restore.


It is important to be working with qualified practitioners while doing this.  Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI), a tool of body centered means of finding resources within that have been short circuited by trauma of all types. This includes, but not limited to, drugs, medications, and other substances, most of which were adaptive strategies to the trauma.


SRI has been profoundly supportive on this program. The list of practitioners, {Usually associated with a Network Spinal Analysis, (NSA) Practitioner}, are hard to find. Several SRI Practitioners have set up their own offices or they work in an NDA office. If you call an NSA doctor on this website in your locale, they often have referrals if they don't have an SRI practitioner in office), 

-List of NSA doctors by State- Click HERE

 If you are near Syracuse NY. See Renee McLain at the Center of Grace 315-692-2008


There are many supportive styles of helping to create internal body felt resources.  SRI is just my favorite.  Another is Somatic Experiencing (SE), the work of Peter Levine.  Here is one of his books on healing Trauma and useful on this journey, regardless of what type of support you seek. Click HERE


Other essential support: Mindfulness practices and meditation using biofeedback like the Muse2    Click HERE



There are 3 places you will need to order from:


The first place is for the Quicksilver products:

Go to:

There you will receive an ongoing 30% discount on all orders, including other supplements your family may use. The following is for a little over a month-long program:


-3 boxes Push Catch ID # Q05785

-6 bottles Milk Thistle Nano emulsified ID # Q 8880

-4-8 btls Liposomal GABA ID# QSGA02. (order more if you have a known or suspect a                     pathogen like Limes, Epstein Barr, Chronic fatigue, Hepatitis Herpes, etc)

-1 btl Micellized PC Liposomal ID # QSSPYC01 Please note that the Phosphatidyl Choline, PC         warning about needing overnight shipping can be Ignored.

-4-8 btls HistaAid ID Q88989. (order more if you have ongoing allergies, itchy skin, red eyes,           brain fog, sneezing or diarrhea, or you easily have detox reactions)

-4 btls Glutathione liposomal ID# QSGSH01

-Dr. Ohira’s Professional probiotics  1 box 120 cap  ID# PRPR1


In addition, I recommend the following products not in this above Wellevate dispensary:


The 2nd place is for a Quicksilver product not on the Wellevate site:

1.  CBD oil..Very Important. Does not get you high but calms the limbic system, while                  increasing positive feelings; and gives the brain a great boost while removing toxins from      the brain. This CBD oil and turns on over a 1000 genes..Please read the research and              order at.  If any history of Benzo's like, Klonopin, Librium,        Xanax, Ativan, Ambien, Valium, or Diazepam, quadruple the recommended doses of CBD      for several months..With Other brain altering meds, double the recommended doses for        at least 3 months


The 3rd place is for the Purium products:

2..  Biome Medic 4pack.These detox some very tough substances in the gut while restoring           the Biome.   

     Please watch this video:.


      To order:   

      You can get a $50 off your order by putting in the discount code:  PassionateEase


3.  Super Aminos23 - 4 pack.  These provide a turning on of the genes to greatly improve               your body's utilization of the remainder of the proteins in your diet.  At the same time,           they rebuild organ tissue as well as skeletal muscle.  They bypass the liver and kidneys           and go directly into the blood and lymph within 23 minutes.  These have been                           researched in elderly over 90 years old for complete absorption requiring no stomach             acid.  High protein diets actually often convert excess to sugar while causing the liver to         reverse its proper directionality from blood to liver cell.  To take these tablets a couple of       times a day and restrict animal protein, your liver will recover far more effectively while       actually putting on muscle.  


      Please listen to 2 audios by Dr Lucca Moretti, the researcher       who has over 50 peer             reviewed published research articles on Super Amino 23; which is         featured in                   Physicians’ Desk Reference. 


      Here are the Super Aminos audios:

      Part 1       lifestyle.mp3    Skeletal Muscle rebuilding

      Part 2    Organ tissue rebuilding


      To Order Super Aminos23: 

       Best Deal and good for the long haul 6 Pack:


Remember you can get a $50 off your order by putting in the discount code: PassionateEase


What to take and how often


-Hot Water!  This is at the top of the list because it is essential.  How hot?  Hot enough that you can feel the warmth in your chest and stomach; but cool enough that you don’t have to sip it.  Probably around 165 degrees (Green tea temperature).  Imagine trying to clean a greasy pot with just cool or warm water? 


You will be releasing thick substances; and this keeps it moving and breaking down.  My Ayurvedic Master, Dr. Rama Raju, 12th generation Vaija, (Ayurvedic Physician), and revered in India, was my mentor.  When I worked with him, he treated every know disease with the universal solvent; but hot!  Any other treatments were considered secondary and worked far better as a result. He told me, (and I applied this with great results), that when we are evolving quickly, old substances that served to keep the lower vibration in place are going to need to be eliminated.  Often, they get stuck or when they move out slowly, we reexperience more suffering than necessary. 


In the case of drugs and brain altering meds, the hot water really supports the breakdown of difficult compounds being released in this program that are connected to the chemicals of emotion, (neuropeptides),


I find it helpful to not just put the hot water in a cools too fast, gets forgotten,  then cools more, and is not portable. I suggest you get a large urn or thermos to keep hot and to carry with you so that you can get in a half gallon or more a day.

I have a thermos I fill each day with my quota that keeps it hot 24 hr. I refill my smaller thermos from it and take both with me when I hop in the car to run errands.  Below are the best in each class that I have found after many years of trial and error.  I still have them after years of use and they keep things hot for 24 hours:


Larger Thermos: Click HERE

Smaller Thermos: Click HERE


-Take 5 Purium Super Aminos23. 2 times daily on empty stomach 30 minutes with hot             water, before the Push Catch /Liver Sauce, on empty stomach and with no other foods or       supplements


-Quicksilver Push-Catch.  Follow the booklet enclosed with your order starting at ¼ tspn         of Liver Sauce along with..  (hold in mouth a minute)

   -1/4 pumps of Milk Thistle,all on empty stomach 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before a         meal. (hold in mouth a minute)

   -And ¼ packet of Ultrabinder in cup of water 30 minutes after the Liver Sauce/ Milk               Thistle combo

    Do this once a day for 2 days then increase the dose to ½ packet and ½ teaspoon while           Milk Thistle remains at 4 pumps.  

    Once you get to a full packet and a teaspoon then stay there for a few days to a week.  

    Then add a second full packet in the afternoon or evening.

    The instructions in the booklet say to do 5 days on 2 days off.  That would apply only after     you have reached a full packet ultra binder and teaspoon of Liver Sauce 


-Take 1 teaspoon of PhosCholine, (hold in mouth a minute),  along with 

-4 pumps of Glutathione 2 x daily on empty stomach.  

- Take 4-8 pumps of CBD oil along with GABA. More if strong drug, alcohol, or medication      history

- Take 4-8 pumps of GABA  along with CBD. More if strong drug, alcohol, or medication            history

**(You can take the PhosCholine/Glutathione/CBD oil/ GABA before the Push Catch routine    and wait 10 minutes and then take before bed or 10 minutes before the second round of          Liver Sauce/ Milk Thistle)


-The HistaAid as need.  Anytime you get headaches, itchy skin, fogginess, runny nose,               sneezing, allergies, upset stomach, or red eyes take 8 pumps of HistaAid.  If you already         have that before beginning the above Push Catch, then take 8 pumps 4 or more times             daily until things settle down and then begin the Push Catch while continuing at 6 pumps     3 x daily.  Take this away from food and hold it in the mouth for a full minute


-Take 2 tablets of Biome Medic 2x daily along with...

-1 tab Dr. Ohira’s Probiotics in am and pm with food


How Long Should I Do This Cleanse and How Often?


Do the above protocol of 5 days on 2 days off once you have worked up to full teaspoon of Liver Sauce and UltraBinder each.  Do this for 3 weeks. (so total of a month).

If symptoms remain then take a week off and begin another month at the level you finished at last month.  You may want to add a third round each day of the Push-Catch.

In any case, once you have no symptoms, do another 2 weeks and then rest for 3 months.    


For the following, you may only need to do the Liv 1 Protocol

In 3 months Repeat at 2 rounds a day for 3 weeks ..then rest for 4 months

In 4 months Repeat at 2 rounds a day for 3 weeks..then rest for 6 months

In 6 months Repeat at 2 rounds a day for 3 weeks then rest for 6 more months

In 6 months Repeat at 2 rounds per day for 2 weeks and continue


….For the remainder of your life for ideal health, go to Liv 1 protocol.


Best times are Spring and Autumn. And you might consider adding a high density super green shake as your meals during the 2 weeks. I find Purium has the best because they harvest the greens at peak ripeness, (something missed when veggies have to be shipped), where so much of the nutrition value is captured during the last 3 days of ripening.  Then the harvest is juiced in a vacuum at less than 85 degrees Fahrenheit, (so no enzymes are lost and not oxidation occurs), right at harvest within moments.  


The result is that when it reconstitutes in water, you get better than juicing veggies at home, (unless you grow your own and juice immediately on harvest).  Plus, the Power Shake, when combined with the Super Aminos (not at the same time), gives you complete nutrition while supporting fat burning, lean muscle mass building, as well as cleansing and rejuvenation.  This becomes the ideal meal replacement during the cleanses once you are healthy.  


Order Power Shake   My code to get on an auto ship for far better prices (also supports me financially)..PassionateEase


Between Cleanses

In between cleanses ,consider taking a single Power Shake a day and continue to do Micellized PC am and pm to keep the bile in good shape. Also, continue the Super Aminos and hot water and go very easy on protein, sugars and alcohol; and of course, unsaturated fats, (except High Quality, fresh, Olive Oil kept refrigerated and never cooked with).  AVOID Canola oil, Soy Oil, and fried foods.  If you take the Power Shake in Cold months then I suggest adding Pink Organic Himalayan Salt and a TBS, (or to taste) of Organic Fresh Olive oil and a quarter to a half thumb sized piece of fresh organic ginger root.


I did mean to say UN saturated fats are to be avoided above.  Huge myth here that began in the 60’s propagated by the soybean industry.  Do yourself a great favor for your heart, brain, hormones, weight balance and immune system, while healing or preventing cancer and restoring proper mitochondrial/energy production in your Dr. Joseph Mercola’s book, “Fat for Fuel”: Click HERE

Summary Book: Click HERE  

Cookbook (do not get the digital version): Click HERE


Consider fasting a day each week where you don’t eat supper and nothing until the following day where you end with soup and eat only a small amount.


Then consider eating according to the following for great quality longevity:  Circadian Eating


Passionate Ease Retreats
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